The most of the recent papers are found at: https://itu.academia.edu/LauraBeloff


List of papers up  til >>2016

Conference Proceedings

Beloff, L. & Jørgensen J. (2016), The Condition: Towards Hybrid Agency,  CULTURAL R>EVOLUTION: Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art. School of Creative Media, City University Hong Kong p. 14-19 6 p. (ISEA 2016 Proceedings).

Beloff, L. (2015), The Design of Nature: Considering Novel Ecosystems, Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Zayed University Books, p. 87-91 5 p. (ISEA 2014 Proceedings)

Beloff, L. (2012) Curios G and The Uncertain Future. Mutamorphosis-conference proceedings, CIANT, 2012 Prague.

Beloff, L. (2010),Wearable Worlds; Reality in a Pocket, Making Reality Really Real-conference proceedings – (as a separate appendix), Trondheim

Beloff, L. (2009) Wearable Artefacts As Research Vehicles. Consciousness Reframed 10 Proceedings: Experiencing Design, Behaving media – A transdisciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology and society; Munich

Beloff, L. (2008) Carnival/Wearable-Art/Presence. In: Ascott/Bast/Fiel/Jahrmann/Schnell (Ed) New Realities: Being Syncretic (Vienna, Springer Verlag)

Beloff, Laura (2009), ‘The Hybronaut and Other Unexpected Approaches to Wearable Technology’, in Paul Thomas and Sean Cubitt (eds.), Re:Live, Media Art History Proceedings. Melbourne, AU

Beloff, L. (2007) Wunderkammer: Wearables As An Artistic Strategy. Mutamorphosis –conference Proceedings. Prague

Beloff, L. & Pichlmair, M. (2007) TRATTI – A Noise Maker for Children. Mobile Music Workshop Proceedings. Amsterdam

Journal Articles

Beloff, L. (2014) From Elephans Photographicus to the Hybronaut; artistic approach to human development, In Elo M. & Luoto M. (Eds) Senses of Embodiment: Art, Technics, Media. Peter Lang, Bern.

Beloff, L. (2011), Shared Motifs; Body Attachments. In RL and SL, Metaverse Creativity 1, no. 2 (2011): 135-46, Bristol: Intellect

Beloff, L. (2009) Props for real Life: Style and Artistic Strategies in Wearable Technologies. In Technology Imagination Future; Journal of Transdisciplinary Knowledge Design, 2(1), pp. 65-82. Institute of Media Arts, Yonsei University (KR)

Beloff, L. (2008) The Curious Apparel: Wearables and The Hybronaut. In Ryan, S. & Lichty, P. (Eds.) Intelligent Agent, Issue 8.1.

Beloff, L. (2006) When The Cables Leave, The Interfaces Arrive immaterial networks and material interfaces. Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 8: 1, pp. 47-53, doi: 10.1386/tear.8.4771

Chapters in books

Beloff, L. & Berger, E. (2014) Ars Bioarctica – Viisi vuotta taiteen ja tieteen yhteistyötä. In Järvinen, A. & Heikkilä, T. (Eds) Tieteen ja Taiteen Tunturit. Gaudeamus – Helsinki University Press, Helsinki.

Beloff, L. & Berger, E. (2014) Ars Bioarctica – Five years of art & science work by Finnish Society of Bioart at Kilpisjärvi Biological Station. In Smite, R. Medosch, A. & Smits, R. (Eds) Techno-Ecologies II. Acoustic Space #12. RIXC, LiepU MPLab, Riga.

Beloff, L. (2013) The Hybronaut Affair: an ménage of art, technology and science. In More, M. & Vita-More, N. (Eds) Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford

Beloff, L. (2013), (Notes) On Experience in the Field – (Merkintöjä) Elämyksestä Tieteen ja Taiteen Kentällä. In FIELD_NOTES: From Landscape to Laboratory – Maisemasta Laboratorioon, eds. L. Beloff, E. Berger & T. Haapoja. Helsinki, New York: The Finnish Society of Bioart (& Punctum Books; the second edition of the publication coming with international publisher and distributor 2013-14)

Beloff, L., Berger E. & Haapoja T. (2013). Between Lanscape and Laboratory – an Introduction. In FIELD_NOTES: From Landscape to Laboratory – Maisemasta Laboratorioon, eds. L. Beloff, E. Berger & T. Haapoja. Helsinki, New York: The Finnish Society of Bioart (& Punctum Books; the second edition of the publication coming with international publisher and distributor 2013-14)

Beloff, L. (2013), The Body In Posse; Viewpoints on Wearable Technology. In Bulatov, D. (Ed.) Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in The Post-Biological Age (Part 2). Kaliningrad: The National Center for Centemporary Arts.

Beloff, L. & Seymour, S. (2008) Fashionable Technology –The Next Generation of Wearables. In Sommerer, C. et al (Eds) The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.

Beloff, L. (2009 [2043]) The Hybronaut, An Early Protonaut Of The Future
- on wearable technologies as cultural artifacts. In Beiguelman G., Bambozzi M., Bastos M., Rodrigo M.(orgs), (Eds.) Apropriations of the [un]common: public and private space in times of mobility, Instituto Sergio Motta, Sao Paulo.

Beloff, L. (2008 [2043]), The Hybronaut, An Early Protonaut Of The Future, in Bauer, S., Bergermann, U., Hanke, C., Helene Von Oldenburg, Reiche, C. & Sick, A. (Eds.) Prototypisieren. Eine Messe für Theorie und Kunst, Bremen, Thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor, 99-105.

Beloff, L. (2008) Ludic Mode: Irony and Wearable Devices. In Homo Ludens Ludens- Catalogue. LABoral Centro de Arte, Gijon.

Edited Book

Beloff, L., Berger E. & Haapoja T. (2013). FIELD_NOTES: From Landscape to Laboratory – Maisemasta Laboratorioon. Helsinki: The Finnish Society of Bioart

Ph.D. Thesis

Beloff, Laura (2012 The Hybronaut and The Umwelt: Wearable Technology as Artistic Strategy. Ph.D. Thesis. Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, Faculty of Arts.