II. Fly Printer – Danish Crown, 2015


This is a version titled: Fly Printer – Danish Crown by Beloff 2015. The new form was developed that addressed specifically the Danish culture through the use of Danish design coffeepot parts (originally Santos coffeepot, later Bodum), which were assembled together to form the habitat for the flies. The habitat begun resembling the emblematic Danish Crown, which is a label used by the producers that deliver for the Royal Danish Court.

This printer-version produces different kinds of prints as the four colors are separated into their own compartments – nevertheless, after some time the dots appearing under each spherical compartment increase their color-scheme from mono- to multi-color as the flies fluently migrate from one compartment to another .


Consists of Bodum coffee-maker parts, some tubes, fly food with laser printer ink, printing paper with lasered crown, and obviously Drosophila Melanogaster specimen.

Exhibited November 2015 in “TRANSSPECIES – an assembly across species lines”-exhibition in Copenhagen by http://www.labae.org/

image by Rose-Mary Lee 2015
image by Rose-Mary Lee 2015
image by Rose-Mary Lee 2015

Some press from the event:


